reincarnation of Ka

® elatasin © Ronald Hoth

This transmission frees you from diverse influences that do not belong to your true self- influences that keep you from being centered in your body and therefor from evolution and self mastery. Moreover this transmission clears your mind and restores the ability to feel and perceive.

During this session the hara channel within the physical body is being cleared and extended. The hara channel is a subtle vertical channel  connecting you to your divine powers and guidance.

Is the hara channel blocked or almost closed, energiy cannot flow through. After the transmission the channel is open and gradually opens more and more. Thus it is possible to download your divine energy into your system to nurture and empower your self.

Moreover the information that are important for your divine plan and mission can be perceived more easily.

You will feel how being in the body realy feels like and you will be given the tools to feel your true self in your body and empower your divine connection.

During or after the session issues can show up, because you feel more and you are more aware of all of your bodies. Actually that s a good sign. So this transmission can be a powerful igniter for self-inquiry. I have got your back whenever you want assistance.

The transmission causes a general increase of  energy and frequency in all of your bodies- physical body and subtle bodies -, activates self-healing powers and expands consciousness.

"Ba is the essence, that is living forever. Ka is the shadow, human beings know as life. Ba does not come without the incarnation of Ka.  These are the mysteries that are truthful throug the ages. These are the keys of life and death"

excerpt from the emerald tablets of Thoth