Diese Einweihung befreit auch unsere tierischen Freunde von Fremdeinflüssen und destruktiven Energien und hilft ihnen, sich in ihrer Mitte besser zu zentrieren.
Diese Einweihung ist ein heilsamer Weg für die allgemeine Gesundheitsförderung und Aktivierung der Selbstheilungskräfte des Tieres und dient zur Loslösung und Transformation von sich zeigenden Störungen.
Energieausgleich. € 70,-
They resolve and reveal causes of blockades in the energyfield of our animal friends.
The wellbeing of animals is often related to "their humans". So animals sometimes have similar issues or carry a load for humans. Therefore they sometimes are not in balance.
For the treatment 2 procedures are possible: I can act on a symptom, that you are aware of. Or I can check the energysystem of the animal and work with the areas that need healing at the moment.
Anyway the treatment with Crystal Flames is soothing and strengthening the energysystem of animal and reveals wonderful insights in the relationship between animal and human.
For working with animals I just need the name and a picture of the animal. After that we will talk about the treatment and what showed up along the way.
60 minutes and 3-5 days where the energies are flowing.
Value: € 70,-
® elatasin © Ronald Hoth