"Crystalflames act in the sense of individual energymedicine."


Crystal Flames are powerful, loving energies, that serve your self-awareness and -transformation.

Crystal Flames guide the human consciousness to the level of cause, where true transformation can happen. They discover and reveal the roots that hide behind discomfort, sorrow and illness. Trough deep experiencing and recongnizing those roots true change is possible.

In the human energysystem the flames act from inside out. They move through symptoms of the physical body and the subtle bodies: emotional- and mentalbody and dissolve records and resonance fields of disorders and incompleteness in the energysystem.

The Crystal Flames of the realms of Elohim, Archangels and Chohans have unfolded since 2015 through El Benia  and now they operate with the power of their completeness, complementing each other.  They work for the highest good of mother earth and all  creation.

As carrier of 21 Crystal Flames I love to guide you to a life of freedom, love and truth.

link to original: ® Kristallherzflammen © El Benia/Andrea Klimasch


Do you want to process specific disorders or blockades in your physical body or your subtle bodies?                                                  Or do you want to root out areas that are still unconscious but need healing ?

The treatment operates as distantcetreatment and takes place via phone call.


1 appointment via phone, 60 to 90 minutes: € 120.-

1 appointment via phone a´60 minutes and 3 to 5 days of repeated flow of healing energies: € 150.-

requirements: recommended: Aura clearing or light DNS transmission

Crystal Flames

  • Seeking and dissolving roots of symptoms of the phisical body and the subtle bodies
  • Clearing and strengthening of the aura
  • Clearing von Chakren und Aktivierung ihrer Kräfte

  • Veredelung des menschlichen Energiesystems
  • Erhöhung der Schwingungsfrequenz
  • Kristallkörperentfaltung

crystal special

Freimachen von

Elementarem  Stress

Elementarer Stress ist ein Grundstress, den wir quasi in die Wiege gelegt bekommen.

Zeig Dich


Zeig Dich ohne Dich zu verstecken. Erkenne Deine Weichheit und Verletzlichkeit als Stärke an. Stehe zu Deiner Wahrheit. 

Auflösung von hinderlichen Glaubensätzen und Prägungen.
